Huanhuan Tian, Master Candidate

Department of Engineering Mechanics

Tsinghua University

Beijing 100084, China





Master study, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

Supervisor: Prof. Moran Wang


B.S. with highest honor, Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University

GPA: 93/100


Basic understanding of direct current enhanced oil recovery. PetroChina research institute of petroleum exploration and development, Beijing, China, Jul. 2014.

Research Interests

Electrostatics and electrokinetic transport

Liquid-liquid interface and wettability

Crude oil-brine-rock interaction

Enhanced oil recovery: low salinity waterflooding etc.

Numerical methods: molecular dynamics simulation


Honors and awards


Sijimuge Scholarship


2nd prize of Tsinghua student scientific training program


Beijing excellent graduate


Tsinghua excellent graduate


129 scholarship


National Endeavor Scholarship


National Endeavor Scholarship


In Journal

1.      Tian, H., Zhang, L., & Wang, M*.  Applicability of Donnan equilibrium theory at nanochannel-reservoir interfaces, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 452: 78-88, 2015

Figure 1. A diagram of nanochannel assembly. (a) The nanochannel network. (b) The details of one channel, forming a typical reservoir-nanochannel-reservoir system. The left is inlet (I) and the other is outlet (O) of the channel.


2.      Tian, H., Huang, W., Li, M., & Wang, M*. Critical Size of Continuum Theory Applicability for Single-Phase Liquid Flow in Nanochannel. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology17(9), 6149-6158, 2017

Figure 2.  Front view (along z axis) of part of walls constructed by (a) pure-quartz and (c) hydroxylated -quartz, and the comparison between MD results and classical solution of Poiseuille flow for water flow in these two kinds of walls (b)(d).  


3.      Tian, H., Wang, M*. Molecular dynamics for ion-tuned wettability in oil-brine-rock system. AIP advances. 7: 125017, 2017


4.      Tian, H., Wang, M*. Electrokinetic mechanisms of ion-tuned wettability in oil-brine-rock systems. Surface Science Reports. 72: 369-391, 2017


5.       H. Tian, F.L. Liu, X. Jin, M. Wang*. Competitive effects of interfacial interactions on ion-tuned wettability by atomic simulationsJournal of Colloid and Interface Science 540: 495-500, 2019

In Conference

1.      Tian, H., Zhang, L., & Wang, M. Applicability of Donnan equilibrium theory at nanochannel-reservoir interfaces. Annual National Conference of Engineering Thermodynamics, Oct. 2014, Xian, China. (Poster)

2.      Tian, H. & Wang, M. Contribution of electrical double layer repulsion to wettability alteration: from pore scale to molecular scale. 9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting, May. 2017, Rotterdam, the Netherland. (Oral & Poster)